Everybody knows that it is essential to eat healthy food, but due to our busy lifestyle it is difficult to stop and think of our food ration. For our eating habits can be summed up in one word — chaos. We eat fast food and semi-finished food, drink little water, chase down with sweet things when we are distressed and then complain on the results — problems with stomach, bad mood and excess weight. Proper food is a base of a healthy life and it should be tasty, eye-pleasing and joyful.

We’d not like to limit you but we know that you should give up fast food, chips, fizzy drinks, too much sweet and farinaceous product for ever. It’s good to drink much water in order to speed up metabolic process and excrete toxins from our body. Useful habit — a fasting day It is easy enough to eat only vegetable, fruit and farmer cheese once a week. In other respects dietary regime shall be well thought-out. There is a good reason that modern nutrition expert use the term “ration nutrition” ( in Latin ratio means intellect).

Ideally, the diet shall include cereals (40% of the total food), fruit and vegetables (20%), meat, poultry, fish (20%), egg and milk products (20%) White bread, animal fat and sweet shall be minimized.

And now few tips that help you to shift to healthy food smoothly.

Try to avoid ready made breakfasts
Read carefully the composition on the back side of the box. As a rule they contain much sugar, fructose, corn syrup and other sweeting agents, these are not good for you.  It’s better to sleep longer in the morning and come to “Grabli” to have breakfast. Oat, rice, millet, buckwheat porridge with milk, thick pan cakes, puddings and curd croquettes make each morning tasty and unique.

Put vegetables at the top of the list
If you do not like vegetables much it means that you have not tried them. Try to vary your vegetable tastes. Your body will thank you for vegetables and you feel fresh and light. Green salad with tuna, prawns and youghurt salad, “light breeze” and Greek salad — you can choose them in “Grabli” restaurants and they will become your favourite dish.

Do not forget about soup
Having soup as a first course stays hunger before you have more caloric food. Soups give you additional portion of vegetables and liquid necessary to our body. In “Grabli” they are fresh baked, hot and aromatic: corn soup cream, salmon soup cream, champignons soup cream, broccoli soup-cream, kharcho with lamb, rassolnik with tongue, pea soup with roll and Moscow borsch.

Have protein
Protein is a construction material of healthy food. Protein repairs and recover cells, contribute to hormone production, blood sugar level regulation. The main sources of protein are milk products, eggs, poultry, meat and fish. Grabli offers cad baked with fried onion, grilled salmon steak, baked beef with champignons, chicken stick in berry and candy sauce and fresh Kiev-style cutlet.

Take snack with yourself
Fruit, yoghurt or nuts much more useful that a cup of coffee with chocolate. But do not overdo.

Set aside some time for having meal
Do not hurry when eating, sence of fullness is given to the brain a bit later. The atmosphere in “Grabli” restaurants suggests eating deliberately as there is a special author’s interior and light and calming music there.

Do not count calories
Masais living in Africa and Brazilian aboriginals from Amazon jungle or French graceful women never count calories but run quickly and look nice. The secret is that they listen to their body and enjoy the life.

Do not stick to the diets
All diets are based in temporary and unpleasant limitations. It much easier to keep the certain food style without breakdown and pangs of conscience follow-up.

Learn about fats
Useful fats serve several purpose at the same time: they decrease inflammatory processes, improve detoxification processes, contribute to weight improvement. Your food shall contain eggs, walnut, fatty fish, flax seed, green leafy vegetables.

Select food that you like
What is the sense of wishing to be healthy if it is not a joy for you?
If your daily ration contains various products you’ll not just have proper meal but you’ll have a banquet every day. “Grabli” restaurant makes you happy by offering various dishes, do not hurry and select what you like.

Have a treat!
If you like chocolate or bakery, have it. Simply do not eat them too much, but do not exclude then from the life. You should understand that having proper food every day let you enjoy the favourite dainties. Have in memory that “Grabli” restaurants have their own confectionary shop which savor workdays with cottage cheese choux, cherry mille-feuille, mocha gateau and cheese cake — the main thing about this is to stop in time.

When you understand that you shall pay attention to the food structure and quality, healthy food will be your pleasant companion.